Unlocking the Goodness of Grains Part 3: Wheat

Unlocking the Goodness of Grains Part 3: Wheat

In the past, India's regions were categorized by their primary food sources. The North favored wheat, while the South and East leaned toward rice. Western India preferred coarse grains such as barley, millet, and sorghum.

However, times have evolved and how! Today, rice and wheat are the predominant dietary staples across the country, and wheat is commonly enjoyed in the form of chapati, roti, paratha, and more.

Wheat: An Energy Powerhouse

Nutritionally, wheat is packed with complex carbohydrates, making it a great source of energy.

Certain types of wheat are also rich in essential B vitamins like B6, B12, and B3, along with significant amounts of iron, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, and more.

That’s why wheat can be a healthy first food for your baby. You can start introducing wheat to your baby as early as 6 months.

Traditional/Older Varieties of Wheat in India

There are many varieties of wheat, but the common ones we use are: 

    1. Emmer wheat (locally known as “khapli wheat”); and
    2. Durum wheat (local varieties include bansi, kalibal, and kathiya)

Wheat is used in different forms: wheat bran and wheat flour (or “atta”), refined wheat flour (maida), semolina (sooji rava), broken or cracked wheat (lapsi or dalia). Noodles, pastas, and bread items are made mostly with wheat. When you’re introducing wheat to your baby, stick to whole wheat (if you can) and avoid food made with maida/refined flour (very low in nutrition).

Safe & Nutritious Wheat Preparations for Babies

From 6 months onwards, certain wheat preparations can be tasty, healthy choices to feed your baby. Here are some nutritious ideas:

      • Broken wheat (lapsi or dalia) porridge or kheer made with fruits and breast milk/milk/coconut milk
      • Cooked dalia upma with veggies
      • Dalia khichdi mixed with curd
      • Wheat halwa (without sugar)
      • Toasted bread
      • Wheat dosa (adai) dipped in sambhar
      • Wheat pancakes/chilla
      • Dalia patties

TIP 1: Soaking dalia/lapsi before cooking improves nutrient absorption. So, it’s a good practice to soak it a few hours before cooking or overnight!


TIP 2: Adding millet- or lentil-based flours or using them as a substitute for wheat flour is a fantastic way to make your baby's diet even more nutritious and delicious!


Best to Avoid These Wheat Preparations

      • Foods like puri, bhatura, and parotta are usually deep fried and made from maida (refined flour), so it's best to hold off its introduction until babies are older.
      • Also, avoid crispy puris, namakpara, chakli, murrukku, and other hard foods as they can be choking hazards and are also deep fried.

Can Babies Eat Chapati or Roti?

Certain wheat preparations may require a bit of caution initially. Roti or chapati is one of them! For example, introducing roti/chapati is better delayed until around 7-8 months since they can be harder for babies to chew.

To make it softer, you can first dip the pieces of roti, chapati, bhakri, koki, thepla, or paratha in liquids like curd, dal, egg/chicken curry, or stew/kurma and then serve this to your baby.

Can Babies Eat Bread?

Babies can eat bread 6 months onwards, but parents have to be mindful of certain things before offering it:

      • Soft bread can be very gummy. When bread mixes with our saliva in the mouth, it clumps together and gets stuck. This can be a serious choking hazard for babies. Therefore, a better alternative is to offer toasted bread to babies dipped in dal, gravy, milk, or curd.
      • Most bread is made from refined wheat flour (or maida), which is not recommended for babies. Refined flour is made by removing the wheat bran layer, which contains all the nutrition. It’s better to choose 100% whole wheat bread if you choose to feed bread to your little one.
      • You can also try sourdough bread or sprouted bread, which are popular nutritious choices in Indian families. Ensure the bread is softened by soaking or dipping it in some liquid like milk, curd, dal, rasam, porridge, payasam, etc., so your baby can eat it easily.
      • Millet-based breads (ragi bread, amaranth bread) are also more delicious and healthy alternatives to switch to, not just for your baby but as a family!
      • If you can, opt for organic brands of wheat/wheat flour, as many mass-produced brands available in the market tend to be heavily sprayed with pesticides. This harms both human health and environmental health.

Is Wheat a Choking Hazard?

When it comes to choking hazards, wheat, on its own, poses minimal risk. However, the way it is cooked and served can determine whether it’s a choking risk.


When a piece of bread or chapati mixes with saliva in our mouth, it becomes "glob-like," which may lead to choking. To make bread/roti safer, lightly toast it before offering small pieces to your baby. Or soak the bread pieces in dal, curd, curry (a liquid) to soften them.


Is Wheat an Allergen?

Globally speaking, wheat is one of the top allergens and one of the most common food allergens in children. But most children who develop an allergy to wheat tend to outgrow it by their 10th or 12th birthday.

But when it comes to wheat allergy among Indians, there’s limited research or data. Available studies indicate that wheat allergies among Indian children is relatively low. This could be attributed to the fact that wheat is a common part of the Indian diet, and many babies are exposed to it from a young age. Additionally, early introduction to various food types has been shown to reduce the likelihood of developing allergies later on.

That being said, some babies may exhibit low tolerance or intolerance to wheat. Please discuss this with your pediatrician or healthcare provider if you’re concerned.

Did you know

Wheat allergy is different from gluten intolerance. An allergy can be life-threatening; a food intolerance is sensitivity to a specific food – consuming that food causes digestive issues. Children can outgrow allergies but not food intolerance.

WHEAT: Age-Wise Recipes & Tips


6 to 8 months

1) Porridge: Offer wheat flour porridges or sprouted wheat flour porridges, which can be made with fruits and easily pre-loaded on a spoon.


2) Khichdi: Like dal rice/khichdi, offer dalia khichdi by adding cooked and mashed vegetables and dal to the dalia. You can serve it with curd in a bowl.


3) Halwa: Make wheat flour halwa using natural sweeteners like dates or raisins. Offer halwa on a preloaded spoon.


4) Wheat dosa/chilla/pancake: Cut them into long strips and serve them dipped in curd or vegetable/non-veg curry. Encourage your baby to explore these finger foods and enjoy them with their hands.


5) Toasted bread: Cut whole wheat bread into long strips, toast them with ghee or butter on a tawa, and spread butter, peanut butter, curd, or dal on top. Let your baby grab, hold, and eat these tasty bread strips.

9 to 11 months

1) Wheat dosa/chapati/roti/paratha/bhakri/koki: Cut them into small pieces to help babies practice their pincer grasp. Serve them with sambhar, dal, vegetable/non-vegetarian curry for dipping.


2) Pancake: Mix wheat flour with fruit puree like apple or banana, or vegetable puree like sweet potato or carrot. Make tasty pancakes!


3) Whole wheat bread or sprouted bread: Toast the bread and cut it into small, long pieces. Dip them in curd, dal, or curry, and serve them to your baby on a plate. This encourages self-feeding and helps in developing their pincer grasp.

12 to 24 months

1) Porridge: Make porridge using broken wheat (dalia) or whole wheat flour, along with cow's milk. Serve this pre-loaded on a spoon or let them eat with their hands.


2) Wheat ladoo and snacks: Serve whole wheat ladoo or snacks like whole wheat flour cookies or banana cakes sweetened with raisins or dates. These can be offered as healthy snacks for your baby.


3) Variety and wholesome meals: Offer a range of wheat-based foods to your baby, ensuring reduced salt and sodium content. Include different fruits, vegetables, grains, and pulses to add variety, textures, and spices to their meals, creating a wholesome and nutritious diet.

    While wheat is easily available and a staple in most Indian homes, we cannot stress how delicious and nutritious millets can be as well and serve as a healthier alternative to wheat.

      While wheat is easily available and a staple in most Indian homes, we cannot stress how delicious and nutritious millets can be as well and serve as a healthier alternative to wheat.

      Tomorrow, we will look at another grain, which is a common household favorite: Oats.

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