Foxtail Millet

Locally Known as: Kakum(Hindi), Navane(Kannada), Tenai(Tamil), Korra(Telugu)

Loaded with good calories (yes, these exist), foxtail millets are a powerhouse of energy. Just like Quinoa this is an easy substitute for rice and tastes delicious in salads.


  • It is a general source of vital nutrients for the strengthening of muscles and bones.
  • Foxtail Millet is rich in Vitamin B12 which is essential for maintaining a healthy heart, smooth functioning of the nervous system, and in general good for skin and hair growth.
  • A diet including Foxtail Millet may improve glycemic control and reduce insulin, cholesterol and fasting glucose in Type-2 diabetes patients.
  • Foxtail Millet is rich in natural iron which helps reduce muscular spasms and eases out restless syndrome.